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NeurIPS 2021 · Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Monday December 6 through Tuesday December 14

NeurIPS 2021 is a Virtual-only Conference.


 Mon, Dec 6 Tutorials
 Tue-Fri, Dec 7-10 Main Conference
 Mon-Tue, Dec 13-14 Workshops


A Certificate of Attendance is available in the section titled, Payment and Receipt of your registration.


More information about the schedule and virtual conference will become available on the NeurIPS blog.


NeurIPS 2021 Poster


Virtual Site

The Virtual site is free, but requires a login at this time.


If you have questions about supporting the conference, please contact us.

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About the Conference

The conference was founded in 1987 and is now a multi-track interdisciplinary annual meeting that includes invited talks, demonstrations, symposia, and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. Along with the conference is a professional exposition focusing on machine learning in practice, a series of tutorials, and topical workshops that provide a less formal setting for the exchange of ideas.

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Mission Statement

The Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to foster the exchange of research advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, principally by hosting an annual interdisciplinary academic conference with the highest ethical standards for a diverse and inclusive community.